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The DSVP Blog


DVD “Disc not recognised”

Over the last few months of 2024, I had several enquiries regarding DVDs that were not recognised in a DVD player and no files could be seen when examined on a computer with Explorer. This can occur for several reasons. Obviously if the disc has been physically damaged, then although it may be a lost … Continue reading


Preserving your memories that are on tape.

  Many have priceless memories that are on video tape. These maybe VHS or one of the camcorder formats, VHS-C, Video 8, Hi 8 and even Betamax, as well as digital formats like Digital 8, DV or HDV.  DSVP can handle all these video  formats and also has the capability to handle most professional legacy … Continue reading


My Absence in September and October 2023

Those customers who contacted me by phone during September and October invariably spoke to my wife Stephanie. She would have told them I would not be undertaking any new work until November. By way of explanation, we had decided to take a couple of short breaks once the School holidays were over, a few days … Continue reading


We’ve been meaning to do this for ages.

The one saving grace about writing this blog is that twenty people won’t be shouting at me that I am on Mute. I think it is safe to say that my blog writing has become almost as regular as the Queen’s Christmas message, once a year, which of course is not what the business mentors … Continue reading


4 weeks into lockdown…and still not lost the plot.

What an interesting 4 weeks it has been. After the initial lockdown, which came as no surprise as one of my broadcast cameraman colleagues told me back in mid-February, that he had already been told that all live sport would be on hold from mid-March. Our theatre filming work was immediately postponed along with Conference … Continue reading

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