The DSVP Blog
Droning on about Drones
Over the past couple of years, remote controlled quadcopters have become increasingly available and affordable. Previously the word “drone” was usually related to CIA operated unmanned aircraft used for international surveillance – spying – with millions of $ of related technology on board but the new generation, costing as little as £30.00 or £70.00 complete … Continue reading
And now for something completely different…well almost.
Every now and again a production job comes along for a website video that is just a little out of the norm. No gorgeous dancers and singers, no warehouse with high stackers and fork lifts flying around, no wizzy robotic machines with wonderful flashing lights producing a trillion widgets an hour but nevertheless a job that would be … Continue reading
Samsung support – unbelievably inept!!! The Saga continues.
The saga of the (not quite the) State of the Art Smart TV continues. The problem is when switching between sources i.e. TV to DVD the lip sync changes and has to be readjusted. Sure, it has an easy adjustment BUT it should not be necessary. It never happened on our old Panasonic so why … Continue reading
A Smart TV …well actually no!!!
For the past couple of months we have been discussing replacing our TV in the lounge with a new shiny “Smart” one. I had looked around, read some reviews and we (Mrs S my head of everything) had decided on a size that would be appropriate for the position in the room. As someone who … Continue reading
My DVD no longer plays!
Do you have backups of your favourite CDs and DVDs? If not you should. This blog was prompted by a phone call I received last week, “My DVD no longer plays”. Although relevant to commercially produced CDs and DVDs (which are pressed from a glass master) this blog is aimed at those with “burnt” media, produced … Continue reading
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